Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Michigan State University VIRTUAL Science Festival!

Here at the hyena lab, we look forward to Michigan State University's Science Festival every year. We get to play around with skulls, talk about hyenas, and share our enthusiasm for research with the public. This year things looked a little different, as MSU had its first-ever virtual SciFest! At first we weren’t quite sure how we would recreate the feeling of an in-person booth through our computer screens, but graduate student Olivia Spagnuolo stepped up to make sure this year’s SciFest felt just as engaging from home.

If you missed us at MSU SciFest, catch Olivia’s talk here on her Youtube channel! Be sure to check out our spot-matching game, too, which Olivia adapted virtually for the Festival. Test your skills identifying individual hyenas (just like our researchers do in the field!).



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Michigan State University | College of Natural Science