Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Happy Halloween!

We all know that hyenas are adorable.
But they also can look pretty fearsome at times. In honor of the Halloween season, here are some hyenas showing off their spooky side.
MGTA staring right into your soul
First we have MGTA who decided to go for a dye job. She looks fabulous with her new red hairdo, combining the practicality of consuming large quantities of meat while also being fashionable.

We also have ZITI who has a look similar to MGTA’s bloody style but with the extra flair of a blood streak along his side. He’s really into the holiday spirit.
ZITI shows off his own unique style
Taking it a step further is CYBR, who in addition to a little bit of dried blood is also showing off her pearly whites, in a look that is both intimidating and fierce.
CYBR being sassy
The grand winner of the spooky look contest though has got to be KENG. While taking a nap one fine day, she forgot to close her eyes completely which resulted in this terrifying picture. I certainly wouldn’t want to come across her in a dark lugga!
KENG being spooky while sacked out
All these hyenas definitely look pretty scary, but it’s important to remember that at the end of the day they can also be pretty cute. Thanks for reading, and have a Happy Halloween!   

1 comment:

Kay Holekamp said...

Cyber looks like she is squittering!

Michigan State University | College of Natural Science