Note: This blog contains
footage of a mating which recently occurred within Talek West. It is used with
the permission of the Mara Hyena Project and for scientific purposes only.
If there is one quality
about the Mara ecosystem which can be assured, it is the capacity of the park
and its inhabitants to remain unpredictable. A few evenings ago, my fellow RA
Amy and I were lucky enough to witness our first hyena mating. This occurrence
is rare enough in itself, because hyenas often prefer this to be a more private
affair. But what made the session especially interesting from an ecological and
behavioral perspective was its participants – Decimeter, one of the most highly
ranked females in the clan, and Penne, a natal male.
Penne and his brother
Ziti have been special cases within our clan. While most males born within the
clan (termed “natal males”) begin to disperse as early as age 2, these brothers
have been living comfortably in Talek West for more than 6 years and are
showing no signs of wanting to leave any time soon. We fixed both of the
boys with GPS collars about 3 years ago when they originally began making long
scouting forays into nearby territories, a behavior usually indicating imminent
dispersal. However, ultimately not one but both brothers have, at least for the
immediate time period, decided that Talek West will remain their home. Now,
from what we can deduce from our daily observations, the pair spends the
majority of their time hanging out with the high ranking females of the
recently split off Main DOC group.
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ZITI showing off his GPS collar, which will be used to track him if he disperses |
For those unfamiliar
with dispersal behavior, especially as it occurs in spotted hyenas, it is a
phenomenon which is observed in the vast majority of male hyenas (and indeed in
many other males of group-living mammals). Dispersal behavior likely evolved both to prevent inbreeding of closely related individuals and to ensure that
the male in question breeds in the clan which gives him the best selection of
females which are likely to breed with him. Another important factor which the
male must consider when scouting for new clans is the resources which he is
likely to gain access to, conditional on the hierarchical climate of the females
and males (both natal and immigrant) currently within the clan. Ultimately, he
will make his choice based upon the best possible combination of these factors
and will gain more and more breeding success in his new clan as he gains
seniority over new incoming males.
While it cannot be said
for certain what prompted Penne and Ziti to make the unconventional choice to stay,
there are certain environmental and social conditions which are fairly rare of
the Mara and Talek West itself that could minimize the negative aspects of
their decision. Firstly, the park itself, in addition to being one of the prime
sites of the migration, is home to a large abundance of other wildlife. In
these conditions, carnivores like hyenas, who are extremely versatile in
behavior and diet and thus a little less susceptible to human disturbance than
species like lions, cheetahs, and leopards, flourish, as even the lowest
ranking individuals will likely have regular access to food. However, Talek
West is not the only clan living in the Mara, and so even if the clan has an
extremely favorable atmosphere in terms of access to food, there are dispersal
options which likely have similar conditions as well.
PENE shortly before he was collared |
One factor which does
play a large role in the success of dispersing males verses natal ones is rank.
As natal males, our boys Penne and Ziti are automatically ranked higher than
every immigrant male who comes to the clan seeking reproductive success. As
such, they have priority access to food and mates over all such males. A study
conducted by Davidian et al. on eight separate clans in Tanzania found that,
although the number of males which did decide to remain within their natal clan
to breed was a small minority, said males had significantly more success with
medium to highly ranked females. In their study clans, this led to what was
considered equal reproductive success for natal and dispersing males, without
the natal males having to dispense the time and energy required to find a new
So if one does consider
the role of natal rank not only in its propensity to provide the male with
access to higher quality females, but also in its ability to give natal males
an additional familiarity with the territory and more time to build good
relations with prospective mates, why isn’t this considered to be an optimal
breeding strategy in clans which have an equal or higher number of breeding
females than their neighbors? Something which must be considered is the
willingness of breeding females to take as mating partners males which they
have grown up with – in fact, the majority of the time this tends not to
happen. This behavior was likely selected for concurrently with that of males to
disperse and is one of the key factors which aids in the prevention of
inbreeding in what is usually a relatively small clan. But what about clans
like Talek West, which while still in the process of fissioning has grown to a
size of around 200 individuals? On one hand, this may reduce the possible
negative effects of inbreeding. While Penne and Decimeter are both a part of
Murphy’s sprawling lineage, dominating nearly half of the clan, there are at
least 3 degrees of separation in their relatedness (Penne is the grandson of
Decimeter’s cousin once removed to be precise). But of course, there is no way
our hyenas could know this to be true. Instead one possibility which could be
considered is that, with such a large number of individuals in the clan, the
number of regular interactions (and possibly the reluctance of the female to
mate) is bound to be reduced.
Decimeter is currently the fifth most highly ranked female in the clan. |
While it is still
overwhelmingly likely that this natal male will get rejected at the end of the
day and find better mating success elsewhere, Penne seems to be doing fine
remaining where he is for now. Although we have seen him with at least one high
ranking female, it may be impossible to know how many willing breeding partners
he and his brother will have in this clan. This may yet lead the boys to
disperse to a secondary breeding clan with more willing females. Perhaps we may
even see others of his kind arise and find the same kind of success in Talek
West – only time will tell.
Footage of the mating between PENE and DECM
Davidian, E., Courtiol, A., Wachter, B., Hofer, H.,
& Ho Ner, O. P. (2016). Why do some males choose to breed at home when
most other males disperse? Science Advances, 2(3).
What an interesting observation! Thanks for sharing! I remember Pene and Ziti following around their mom, Guci, and Decimeter when she was just a tiny cub. Who are the other hyenas in the video? Is one of them Ziti by any chance? Those two used to be inseparable and it would be interesting if they were learning from each other's reproductive strategies.
Ziti wasn't there this time, but that certainly would've been interesting as well! If I remember correctly it was El Paso and another immigrant who I haven't ID-ed yet who were present.
Great post! Can't wait to see if Decimeter has cubs.Has anyone seen Cyber's cubs? Thanks and keep up the good work.
We saw Cyber nursing a cub who we think might be Eggplant, but we couldn't confirm the ID. She's being pretty skittish lately unfortunately, so we haven't seen her around the den much.
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