Right now the north hyenas “club” is at Kruuk’s culvert, a
culvert just about a kilometer north of camp. We use the word “club” to refer
to an area where the hyenas seem to prefer to hang out. The club and the den
are the two main centers of activity within a territory. Kruuk was one of the first scientists to study spotted hyenas and is also the one who
originally termed the word “club” to mean a spot where the hyenas like to hang
out. The fact that the north hyena's club is currently at Kruuk's culvert is entirely coincidental but in the last few days we've seen some interesting stories unfolding here that have to do with our favorite hyena friendship, that of Waffles (North clan's matriarch) and LCS (a very low-ranking hyena in North clan named for her ear damage, a slit in the 'c' area of her left ear).
LCS and Waffles are best buds. |
Two days ago we followed Waffles, North’s matriarch, to
Kruuk’s culvert along with Waffles’ daughter LogC, son Torani, and grandson
George. They joined up with Tinsel who was nursing her daughter Rama by Kruuk’s
culvert. Not long after all the hyenas had seemed to settle down for the day we
heard an antelope dying in the thicket not too far away. Immediately all six
hyenas were up on their feet loping towards the source of the noise. We arrived
to see LogC and Torani holding two halves of an impala calf- they clearly hadn’t
killed it but they’d chased off the hyena who had before we arrived. Back
towards Kruuk’s Culvert we saw that LCS had joined the group and we thought it
might have been her who killed the calf since she was the only new hyena here.
However poor LCS, a very low-ranking hyena, was not welcome at this hang out.
LogC and Tinsel, with their blood still up, started aggressing on her the
moment she got closer, asserting their higher ranks.
LCS also happens to be
Waffles’ best friend but Waffles couldn’t do anything about her daughter’s
aggression. In fact, in the heat of the moment Waffles actually joined in on a
low level aggression we called a point, in which an animal rigidly points its
entire body at the subordinate animal, usually with tails and ears erect. Even
though this was a very low level aggression LCS had had enough, and she wasn’t
going to forgive Waffles for that mishap. As LCS started to lope away Waffles’
demeanor changed from energetic to confused. We followed Waffles as she went loping after her best friend. When LCS disappeared a few hundred meters ahead
of us over a low rise Waffles paused to give out four long low whoops, possibly
trying to call her friend back. This was the first time I’d ever seen a hyena
whoop in order to specifically call another hyena. Usually whoops seem to be
reserved for announcing food or lions. However LCS essentially slammed the door
in Waffles face when we crested the rise to see her disappear into a dense
patch of grass without a single backwards glance.
LCS and Waflfes sharing a natal den. |
Sometimes it really seems like Waffles and LCS’ friendship
is a little lopsided with Waffles always pursuing and trying to be friendly to
LCS, who can be indifferent. It was Waffles who moved her cubs to LCS’ natal
den (where she had given birth to her son WAWA) and though LCS seemed perfectly content to share her hole with Waffles’ she
really didn’t have any say in the matter. This goes against what the literature
says animals of different ranks should behave. In socially complex animal
societies lower ranker animals almost always prefer to associate with higher-ranking
animals for benefits that such associations can confer. As a very low-ranking
hyena LCS should be the one pursuing friendship with Waffles, the matriarch,
rather than the other way around!
LCS and Waffles looking alert while their cubs explore the breakfast plains. |
Yesterday, to our relief, it seemed that Waffles and LCS had
reconciled their differences and were back to being friends again. Together
they took their cubs for one of their first graduation walks. Their
destination? No big surprise: Kruuk’s Culvert. Kruuk’s culvert is a little over
a kilometer away and this was the furthest from the den I’ve ever seen cubs of
only 4 months old. Mrs. Butterworth (MRSB), Aunt Jemima (ANTJ), and Wailing
Wall (WAWA pronounced Way-Wah) were all extremely excited to be out in the
world. MRSB, ANTJ, and WAWA are all best buds (all boys) and they happily
romped through the tall grass with their heads up and tails bristled.
New best buds in the making. MrsB, Wawa, and AntJ. |
It made me worry a little, if Waffles and LCS had bumped
into any trouble there weren’t any holes near by for the cubs to take cover in
and Waffles and LCS certainly wouldn’t be able to protect them from lions if it
came to that. However, late morning is probably one of the safest times to take
your cubs for a walk because the lions will hopefully all be asleep in the warm
On their way back from Kruuk’s culvert they detoured a
little bit over to Muffin den, the natal den where all three cubs had been
raised until they were a little over a month old. I imagine the cubs’ paws must
have been extremely sore by that point but they were as bouncy as ever while
Waffles and LCS were starting to look a little exhausted. Even if Waffles and
LCS’ relationship is a little lopsided LCS clearly still trusts Waffles
greatly. She decided to sack out (lay down) in the small water hole near Muffin
den to rest while her son WAWA went with Waffles and her cubs back to the den.
Very excited bristle-tailed MrsB and AntJ running through grass. |
What an amazing story and such an amazing relationship! If Waffles and LCS were humans, one might say that by maintaining her friendship with LCS, Waffles is trying to show she hasn't forgotten 'the old neighborhood,' i.e., the conditions under which they grew up.
Has anyone in zoology ever proposed this or something like it as a principle: the more intelligent an animal (as a species) is, the greater the number of exceptions to typical species behavior it will show? I'm nobody to propose such a principle as I've had zero training in zoology, and the only animals I know a little about the the spotted hyena and the painted dog (and the latter is interesting, but nowhere close to the hyena's league AFAICT) I'm just wondering if, say, people who study primates have to add in all sorts of exceptions and qualification to their usual behaviors.
Wonderfully informative article. Looking forward to updates!
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