Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Great Flood of 2015 Part II: The Carnage

After the adrenaline ran out and the exhaustion set in, everyone filed back to his or her tents to sleep.  Some of us, who became refugees without tents, shared a dry tent. 

As the sun rose the following day, everyone was shocked to see the destruction that the daylight revealed.  I ran into Joseph on the path, and I said, “Joseph this a terrible terrible thing.”  All Joseph could do was nod in agreement.  We both knew that many hard days were in front of us.

We all assessed the damage that the flood had raged upon Talek camp and were very thankful that it wasn’t any worse.

The remains of the storage tent.

The destruction within the lab tent.

The majority of the day was spent salvaging and drying equipment in hopes that the water hadn’t destroyed it.

In the afternoon the cavalry from Serena camp, Eli and Heidi, arrived with water and food.

Consuming much needed food.

Our temporary kitchen was behind KAL with our oven that amazingly survived the flood.

By the end of the day we had recovered from being shell-shocked from the flash flood and we were contemplating the amount of work needed to bring camp back to even a fraction of its former resemblance.


Cibermom said...

Oh, Matt! UM and I have been praying for you, camp mates, safety and weather. Hang in there! A new normal will work its way out soon! OX

Jane Farr said...

Beyond thankful there was no loss of life. As your images make clear, much adversity and exhausting work still lie ahead. Now, may the only things to flood camp be endurance and patience.

Michigan State University | College of Natural Science