Thursday, June 27, 2019

North Clan Excitement

It all started a couple of weeks ago while we were driving towards our North Clan* den. We first noticed more tour cars than usual stopping near the den before noticing the entire herd of elephants harassing the den. The elephants would run up, screaming and charging the den over and over. For nearly half an hour we watched this go on. Needless to say we didn't end up going to the den that night. We're already pretty cautious around elephants, but watching them harass the cubs was a whole new feeling. We were both intrigued and anxious at the same time. The hyenas didn't look like they shared our feelings however, they would run at the elephants in retaliation, not ever a threat to the elephants but standing their ground. I've never seen anything like it.
Elephants harassing the North Clan den

But the excitement didn't stop there!

This morning I woke up to the sound of what must have been close to 20 hyenas vocalizing. There were whoops, lows, and giggles. It was quite a ruckus. So I went to investigate. I could see hyenas charging at 4 female lions on a carcass and within seven minutes they had not only chased the lions off but nearly demolished the entire carcass. I even got to see one of our mom's provisioning for her cubs! She took off from the carcass with an entire leg and guarded her cubs from other hyenas as the cubs dug into the leg. It's astonishing how quickly the hyenas were able to not only chase off the lions but also demolish and entire carcass. And all before breakfast! It's always exciting here at Fisi Camp.

 One of the North Clan mom's bringing a leg back to her cubs.
 One of our hyenas carrying a whole ribcage!              
*North Clan is one of our three study clans here in the Mara Triangle.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the videos and an update for this clan. I had read some of the other posts and found it troubling that lions sometimes attack hyenas when they least expect it. But I guess that is what happens in the Mara. The posts are wonderful and to hear your voice I see a bonus. Wonderful work you and the rest of the research team are doing over there.
