Thursday, June 28, 2012

Be a Part of Hyena Research!

For those of you loyal followers (readers who check this here blog more than once a day), and those new to the Mara Hyena Project (those of you who have recently been hooked on our “Notes From Kenya” blog), we want to get YOU involved in the research!

To do this, we’ve created some new t-shirts that allow you to help support our research efforts while also looking shnazzy!

Take a look at these fine researchers and staff sporting the new t-shirts!

Photo of researchers, staff, and Dr. Kay Holekamp in the new threads.

The best part is that you too can look as shnazzy as them! Just email Dee White at for more information. Hope to see YOU rocking our hyena prints soon!


  1. Just send your order and a check; shirts $15.00, bumper stickers, $5.00 each to
    Dee White
    1508 Cliffside Lane
    Knoxville TN 37914

  2. This is a really great idea, but I wonder if making the merch easier to buy would be more profitable. Sure, die-hard hyena fans may have no problem sending a check, finding stamps, and waiting, hoping for the best, but in this day and age with the internet, many people have come to expect the simplicity of ordering online.

    I recall an experiment where a popular website saw a huge jump in sales when they simply removed the necessity of making an account before one was able to purchase products. They found that people who want to buy something would be put off by the effort of TYPING their name and a password and clicking on a confirmation email. Once they got rid of that step and just let people check out directly, sales shot up.

    Maybe selling the shirts/stickers from Ebay or Etsy would be a good idea. From what I understand, those are rather painless for sellers and the customer can pay with PayPal (i.e. any major credit card)

    Just a suggestion! I'm totally buying a shirt anyway.
