There’s too much primate hate in Fisi camp. It’s true.
Nearly every research assistant and member of the camp staff has a vendetta
against primates. And yes, primates can be notorious pests. They routinely knock
over our trash cans looking for free scraps, sending trash in every direction,
and can wreak havoc on kitchen and food storage tents if left unattended. But
most of these annoying acts are carried out by the local olive baboon troop. We
think it’s due to their constant interaction with humans, but the Talek camp
baboon troop is ridiculously bold and persistent and will not stop at anything
until they get their hands on our Nairobi trash. So maybe there, a little bit
of resentment is reserved. However, this resentment almost always spills over
and ends up unrightfully (in my opinion) including the more even-tempered,
curious, and frankly – cuter, distant relative of the baboon; the vervet monkey.
Female members of Talek camp's local baboon troop (top 2). Our lab tent trash can after Jasiri, one of the large males in the Talek camp troop, had managed to get his hands on it (bottom photo). |

While the baboons are omnipresent, the vervets come and go, sometimes
leaving camp for months at a time before returning. Which to me, makes their reappearances
so special. It’s always nice to wander through camp and see their tails drifting
through the tree tops or to turn the corner and see a baby learning the ways of
the world as he explores away from the safety of mother for the first time. For
many people, their favorite think about camp life is being truly immersed in
nature 24/7. And while it took me nearly 8 months to figure out what my
favorite thing about this experience was, I think I have to agree with everyone
else. Being totally immersed in nature, and living in a place where you can
wake up, look through your tent window, and see a troop of vervet monkeys walk
single file past you in the early morning light is truly wonderful.