As Olivia and I gear
up for October-December note compilations, our hyenas aren’t making it any
easier for us. We’re in the midst of the
annual post-migration cub boom – where lots of mothers, both old and new, bring
tiny, squittering black cubs into the world.
With the den scenes escalating in excitement, Olivia and I will be
scrambling to pin all the new faces to their respective mothers before we send
our notes back to the lab. Here we
provide a tri-clan demographic update of adorableness for all your favorite
Serena cubbers and fluffers.
North Clan:

Cubbers: Krazy
Kat (KKAT), Garfield (GARF)
Fluffers: Diva
(DIVA), Déjà Vu (DEJA), Beluga (BELA)
Graduates: Momo
(MOMO), Appa (APPA), Corduroy (CRDY), Paddington Bear (PDTN), Aquabat (ABAT),
Beastie Boy (BSTI)
The Down-Low: Despite
being the largest clan that we study in the Mara Triangle, North Clan actually
had one of the quietest den scenes for quite some time. There were only two moms (POL and TERO) and three
cubs: DIVA, DEJA, and BELA (particularly endearing due to her unique body-to-face
ratio). This is partially due to MOMO,
APPA, CRDY, PDTN, ABAT, and BSTI successfully graduating so early in their
lives, but it was still strange. Now
there has been an explosion of prospective mothers hanging around Judith Den
and we believe WAFL, TEDY (first time mom!), and FUZZ have black cubs we
haven’t seen yet. RMON and GUMY (first time mom!) seem to have two cubs apiece,
although we haven’t seen them nurse yet to confirm them. INK gave birth to KKAT and GARF in early
October and they are just starting to get their full coats of spots. Pending litter sizes, this could be an
exciting cohort of 12 new cubs this year.
Happy Zebra Clan:

Cubbers: The
Kraken (KRKN), Chupacabra (CHPA), Caribou Lou (BULU), Jungle Juice (JUJU),
Skeptic (SKEP), Cosmos (CSMO)
Orbweaver (ORB), Goliath Bird-Eating Spider (GOLI), Quack (QUAK)
Graduates: Grace
O’Malley (OMLY), Mandrake (MBRK), Harriet Tubman (TBMN)
The Down-Low: All
born around the same time and still in the black cub stage: KRKN, CHPA, BULU,
and JUJU are impossible to differentiate at this point aside from when they are
nursing from their mothers at the den.
Soon to the join them will be cubs from suspected mothers MUON and
EREM. While we haven’t seen cubs nursing
from them yet, they have been sitting, digging, and groaning into and sitting
in a lot of dens holes (in MUON the Subterranean Hyena’s case actually entering
dens and sacking out for hours as well!) – giveaway signs of mothers
interacting with cubs too small leave the den.
The Three Musketeers of Happy Zebra Clan are ORB (the most beautiful
hyena cub in all the land with her sumptuous chestnut brown coat), GOLI, and
QUAK. These three go everywhere and
explore everything together. ORB, GOLI,
and QUAK are also fond of playing “kill the carrier” with animal scraps of the
most paramount importance, such as wildebeest horns, zebra tails, and gazelle
femurs. As unfortunate as it may seem,
QUAK is a little slow. He’ll often
approach dangerously close to zebra stallions and wind up running for his life
to avoid being trampled. Another time,
QUAK followed a female hyena, squittering profusely (a vocalization signaling a
desire to nurse), for about 100m away from the den – only to realize that this
hyena was in fact not his mother (RING) and stare longingly at the escarpment
for several minutes. Fortunately,
through a complex algorithm and rigorous cognitive testing, we have confirmed
that QUAK does indeed have a brain – even if it is a bit slow on the draw. OMLY, the most recent graduate of Happy
Zebra, was the previous fan favorite due to her quirky tenacity, steadfast
resolve, and general silliness. She still
manages to thwart and foil all of our attempts to collect saliva stick, novel
object, and inhibition trial data. Often
lope arriving out of the blue and doing her best Jaws imitation, OMLY loves to
steal meat from cognition tubes, flee with water jugs, and sever Kimbo-swathed
ropes shrouded in perfectly usable cub saliva.
Oh OMLY, always #1 in our hearts…
South Clan:

Cubbers: Lake
Toba (TOBA), Kapuas River (KAPU), Lee Adama (DAMA), Mae Jemison (JEMI)
Fluffers: Galactica
(GATA), Axiom (AXIO), Anubis (ANUB), Akita (KITA), Belgian Tervuren (TERV),
Moriarty (MORI), Maleficent (LEFI), War Admiral (AMRL), American Pharaoh (PHRH)
Graduates: Pixie
(PIXI), Mohawk (MOH), Mirage (MIRA), Moulin Rouge (ROUG), The Lorax (LRAX)
The Down-Low: South
is quite simply the Den that Never Sleeps – there are 13 den dependent cubs
zooming around at 1,000 mph and being super hard to keep track of. Out of our three clans, these guys are the
happiest to see us when we roll up to the den – always romping over to the Land
Cruiser when we approach. They are
currently denning at Moat Den, which in combination with the sheer number of
cubs in South, is quite possibly the best situation for a hyena cub to grow up
in (terrible for catching behaviors though!) - lots of cubs to play romp
through ponds and tall grass with. The
pranksters are DAMA and MORI – two crazy boys who love noming and dismantling
our poor, old research vehicles. TOBA,
KAPU, and JEMI are the youngest cubs, with TOBA and KAPU clearly understanding
that they are the daughters of the matriarch JAVA. Exuding a quiet confidence, they don’t allow
anybody to aggress on them. Now that our
cohort of fluffers are getting their long, shaggy coats, there is certainly an
added a level of difficulty to identifying them around the den – especially
MOH, MIRA, ROUG, and LRAX have all graduated in the last couple of months and
have been congregating together at their big kid hangout spots on the Candy Bar
Plains. However, recently they’ve all
taken turns visiting their little cousins back at the communal den. Finally, even when we thought South Clan
could not accommodate any more cubs than they currently had – WHIZ pops up at
the communal den with a new little black cub in tow. With their little cub army of reinforcements,
South may be making the push in the next couple of years to be the largest clan
we study in the Mara Triangle.